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    Dr.Zhiyou Jing

    • Direction:南海環(huán)流與中小尺度動(dòng)力過(guò)程
    • Administrative post:副處長(cháng)
    • Specialty:物理海洋學(xué)
    • Mentor:博士導師、碩士導師
    • Office phone:020-89100068
    • Email address:jingzhiyou@scsio.ac.cn
    • Postal address:廣州市海珠區新港西路164號
    Research direction


    individual resume

      主要從事海洋環(huán)流與中尺度、次中尺度動(dòng)力過(guò)程研究,已在JGR、JMS等主流海洋學(xué)刊物發(fā)表論文30余篇,曾在澳大利亞Griffith大學(xué)、美國NOAA和美國B(niǎo)rown大學(xué)進(jìn)行訪(fǎng)問(wèn)研究。主持國家自然科學(xué)基金項目3項,并擔任國家基金委2013年南海西部綜合航次的首席科學(xué)家,2014年入選中科院青年創(chuàng )新促進(jìn)會(huì ),2017年獲廣東省科學(xué)技術(shù)獎(自然科學(xué))一等獎。

    Education experience

            1.   Yu, J., Q. Zheng, Z. Jing*, Y. Qi,S. Zhang, and L. Xie (2018), Satellite observations of sub-mesoscale vortextrains in the western boundary of the South China Sea,Journal ofMarine Systems, 183, 56-62, doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2018.03.010.

    2.    Jing, Z.*, Y. Qi, B. Fox-Kemper, Y.Du, and S. Lian (2016), Seasonal thermal fronts on the northern South China SeaShelf: Satellite measurements and three repeated field surveys, Journal ofGeophysical Research: Oceans, 121, 1914-1930, doi:10.1002/2015JC011222.

    3.    Jing, Z.*, Y. Qi, Y. Du, S. Zhang,and L. Xie (2015), Summer upwelling and thermal fronts in the northwesternSouth China Sea: Observational analysis of two mesoscale mapping surveys,Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120, 1993-2006,doi:10.1002/2014JC010601.

    4.    Jing, Z.*, Y. Qi, and Y. Du (2012),Persistent upwelling and front over the Sulu Ridge and their variations,Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 117, C11011, 949-960,doi:10.1029/2012JC008355.

    5.    Jing, Z.*, Y. Qi, and Y. Du (2011),Upwelling in the continental shelf of northern South China Sea associated with1997-98 El Ni?o. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 116, C02033,doi:10.1029/2010JC006598.

    6.   Li J., Y. Qi, Z. Jing*, and J. Wang(2014), Enhancement of eddy-Ekman pumping inside anticyclonic eddies withwind-parallel extension: Satellite observations and numerical studies in theSouth China Sea, Journal of Marine Systems, 132, 150-161,doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2014.02.002.

    7.    Jing, Z.*, Y. Qi, Z. Hua, and H.Zhang (2009), Numerical study on the summer upwelling system in the northerncontinental shelf of the South China Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 29(2):467-478, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2008.11.008.

    8.     董慧超, 經(jīng)志友*, 齊義泉, 周立佳. 冬季南海西邊界急流的動(dòng)力機制分析. 熱帶海洋學(xué)報, 2013, 32(2): 74-81.

    9.   汪彧, 經(jīng)志友*, 齊義泉. 2013年夏季瓊東海域上升流觀(guān)測研究, 熱帶海洋學(xué)報, 2016, 35(2),40-49.

    10.   鄭瑞璽, 經(jīng)志友*, 羅士浩. 南海北部反氣旋渦旋邊緣的次中尺度動(dòng)力過(guò)程分析, 熱帶海洋學(xué)報,2018, 37(3), 19-25.


    Work experience

    Recent representative papers (recent three years)


