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    Dr.Ju Chen

    • Direction:南海環(huán)流與中小尺度動(dòng)力過(guò)程
    • Administrative post:
    • Specialty:
    • Mentor:
    • Office phone:020-89023205
    • Email address:jchen@scsio.ac.cn
    • Postal address:廣州市海珠區新港西路164號
    Research direction


    individual resume


    Education experience

    1.Qu, T., and J. Chen (2009), A North Pacific decadal variability in subduction rate, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L22602, doi:10.1029/2009GL040914.?

    2.Ju Chen, Rongyu Chen, Ping Shi and Qiang Xie. Hydrographic Property and its Variation Before-and-After the Summer Monsoon Onset in the Southern South China Sea in 1999. Journal of Geosciences of China (2), 2002.

    3.Ju Chen, P. Shi and Yan Du. Intercomparsion of rainfall products in South China Sea and its adjacent areas. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2004, 23(6), 40-51. (in Chinese with English abstract)

    4.Ju Chen, P. Shi, D.X. Wang and Y. Du. Spatial distribution and seasonal variability of the rainfall observed from TRMM Precipitation Radar (PR) in the South China Sea Area (SCSA). Advances in Earth Science, 2005, 20(1), 29-35 .(in Chinese with English abstract)

    5.Ju Chen, Dongxiao Wang, Ping Shi, Yan Du。A survey of baroclinic tides in the Beibu Bay, South China Sea。ACTA OCEANOLOGICA SINICA。26(4),7-19,2007。

    6.Jian Li, Tingting Zu, ……, Ju Chen(通訊作者), Jinglong Yao. Preliminary analysis of the intraseasonal air–sea interaction influenced by Xisha warm eddy. ?Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management , 18(4): 386-393,2015/10.  DOI: 10.1080/14634988.2015.1106909.

    7.Qiang Wang, Yinxia Wang, ……, Ju Chen(通訊作者). Dynamic of the upper cross-isobath's flow on the northern South China Sea in summer. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management, 18(4): 357-366, 2015/10.  DOI: 10.1080/14634988.2015.1112124.

    8.Yeqiang Shu, Ju Chen et al. Effects of the Pearl River plume on the vertical structure of coastal currents in the Northern South China Sea during summer 2008. Ocean Dynamics, 64(12): 1743-1752, 2014/10.  DOI: 10.1007/s10236-014-0779-5.

    9.Rui SHI,Ju CHEN and XinYu GUO et al., Ship observations and numerical simulation of the marine atmospheric boundary layer over the spring oceanic front in the northwestern South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research,2017.05,122, doi:10.1002/2016JD026071.

    10.D. X. Wang, J Chen, R.Y. Chen and P.C. Chu et al.. Hydrographic and circulation characteristics in middle and Southern South China Sea in summer, 2000. Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica, 2004, 35(2), 97-109.(in Chinese with English abstract)

    11.D. X. Wang, J Chen, Y Du and Z.J. Gan. Linear response of a tropical rectangular basin to buoyancy forcing. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2002, 45(supplement), 75-83.(in Chinese with English abstract)

    12.ZENG L.-L. CHEN J., SHI P.. Response of upper ocean salinity to precipitation during summer monsoon. Journal Of Tropical Oceanography, 2007, 26(3), 11-17. (in Chinese with English abstract)

    Work experience

    Recent representative papers (recent three years)


