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    Dr.Gengxin Chen

    • Direction:熱帶海洋-大氣過(guò)程與氣候效應
    • Administrative post:
    • Specialty:
    • Mentor:碩士導師
    • Office phone:020-89023199
    • Email address:chengengxin@scsio.ac.cn
    • Postal address:廣州市海珠區新港西路164號
    Research direction


    individual resume

      陳更新,博士。 2011年畢業(yè)于中科院海洋研究所,同年進(jìn)入中科院南海海洋研究所工作,主要從事海洋中尺度渦和環(huán)流動(dòng)力研究;以訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者身份訪(fǎng)問(wèn)美國緬因大學(xué)、科羅拉多大學(xué)和俄勒岡州立大學(xué)。發(fā)表論文三十余篇,相關(guān)成果是科技部?jì)?yōu)秀973項目“南海海氣相互作用與海洋環(huán)流和渦旋演變規律”重點(diǎn)推薦成果,獲評“第四屆南粵科技創(chuàng )新優(yōu)秀學(xué)術(shù)論文”,入選“2015年度中國海洋十大科技進(jìn)展”。

    Education experience

    1. Chen, G., W. Han, Y. Li, J. Yao, D. Wang (2019), Intraseasonalvariability of the Equatorial Undercurrent in the Indian Ocean, Journalof Physical Oceanography, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-18-0151.1.

    2. Chen, G., Y. Li, Q. Xie, and D. Wang (2018), Origins ofEddy Kinetic Energy in the Bay of Bengal, Journal of Geophysical Research,doi: 10.1002/2017JC013455.

    3. Huang, K., W. Han, D. Wang, W. Wang, Q. Xie, J. Chen,and G. Chen*.(2018). Features of the equatorial intermediate current associated with basinresonance in the indian ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography.

    4. Huang, K., D. Wang, W. Wang, J. Chen, L. Chen, and G. Chen*(2018). Multi-scale variability of thetropical Indian Oceancirculationsystem revealed by recent observations, SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences,doi:10.1007/s11430-017-9179-x.

    5. Geng, W., Q. Xie, G. Chen, Q. Liu and D. Wang (2018), A three-dimensional modelingstudy on eddy-mean flow interaction between a Gaussian-type anticyclonic eddyand Kuroshio, Journal of Oceanography, 74 (1), 23-37.

    6. Chen, G., W. Han, Y. Li, M. Mcphaden, J. Chen, W. Wang andD. Wang (2017), Strong Intraseasonal Variability of Meridional Currents near 5°N in the Eastern Indian Ocean: Characteristics andCauses, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47(5), 979-998.

    7. 周艷芳, 謝強, 陳更新,曾麗麗 (2017), 基于海洋模式數據的呂宋海峽輸運量和菲律賓黑潮流量關(guān)系的分析, 海洋與湖沼(6), 1269-1275

    8. Chen, G., W. Han, Y. Shu, Y. Li, D. Wang and Q. Xie (2016),The role of Equatorial Undercurrent in sustaining the Eastern Indian Oceanupwelling, Geophysical Research Letters, 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL069433.

    9. Chen, G., W. Han, Y. Li, and D. Wang (2016), InterannualVariability of Equatorial Eastern Indian Ocean Upwelling: Local versus RemoteForcing, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 46, 789–807.

    10. Geng, W., Q. Xie, G. Chen, T. Zu and D. Wang (2016), Numerical study on the eddy–meanflow interaction between a cyclonic eddy and Kuroshio, Journal of Oceanography, doi: 10.1007/s10872-016-0366-0.

    11. Shu, Y., J. Pan, D. Wang, G. Chen, L. Sun, and J. Yao (2016),Generation of near-inertial oscillations by summermonsoon onset over the South China Sea in 1998 and 1999, Deep Sea Research Part I,118, 10-19.

    12. Xiao, J., Q. Xie, D. Wang, L. Wang, Y. Shu, C. Liu,J. Chen, J. Chen, J. Yao and G. Chen(2016), On the near-inertial variations of meridional overturning circulationin the South China Sea, Ocean Science, 12-335-344.

    13. 侯華千,謝強,陳更新,何云開(kāi),舒業(yè)強, TILAK Priyadarshana,姚景龍,王東曉(2016).2005—2009年、2011年和2013年南海東北部120°E斷面秋季體積輸運的年際變化.海洋與湖沼, 47 (1), 36-42.

    14. Chen, G., D. Wang, C. Dong, T. Zu, H. Xue, Y. Shu, X. Chu,Y. Qi, and H. Chen (2015), Observed deep energetic eddies by seamount wake, ScientificReports, 5, 17416; doi: 10.1038/srep17416.

    15. Chen, G., W. Han, Y. Li, D. Wang, and T. Shinoda (2015),Intraseasonal variability of upwelling in the equatorial Eastern Indian Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research, 120, doi:10.1002/2015JC011223.

    16. Chen, G., W. Han, Y. Li, D. Wang and M. Mcphaden (2015), Seasonal-to-InterannualTime-Scale Dynamics of the Equatorial Undercurrent in the Indian Ocean, Journalof Physical Oceanography, 45:1532-1553.

    17. Yang, G., W. Yu, Y. Yuan, X. Zhao, F. Wang, G. Chen, L. Liu, Y. Duan (2015), Characteristics,vertical structures, and heatsalt transports of mesoscale eddies in thesoutheastern tropical Indian Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research, 120,doi:10.1002/2015JC011130.

    18. 萬(wàn)云嬌, 陳更新*, 舒業(yè)強, 王強, 陳榮裕, 王東曉(2015).南海冬季風(fēng)潮背景下熱帶氣旋誘導的近慣性振蕩: Mirinae (0921) 個(gè)例分析. 熱帶海洋學(xué)報, 6, 11-18, 2015.

    19. Chen, G. and H. Xue (2014), Westward Intensification inMarginal Seas, Ocean Dynamics, 64:337–345.

    20. Chen, G., P.Xiu and F. Chai (2014), Physical and biologicalcontrols on the summer chlorophyll bloom to the east of Vietnam coast, Journalof Oceanography, 70:323–328. (IF:1.271)

    21. Chu, X., H. Xue, Y. Qi, G. Chen, Q. Mao, D. Wang, F. Chai (2014). An exceptionalanticyclonic eddy in the South China Sea in 2010, Journal of Geophysical Research,doi: 10.1002/2013JC009314.

    22. Chen, G., H. Xue, D.Wang and Q. Xie (2013), ObservedNear-Inertial Kinetic Energy in the Northwestern South China Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research, 118,doi:10.1002/jgrc.20371.

    23. Chen, G., D. Wang, and Y. Hou (2012), TheFeatures and interannual variability mechanism of mesoscale eddies in the Bayof Bengal, Continental Shelf Research, 47, 178-185. (IF:1.889)

    24. Chen, G., J. Gan, Q. Xie, X. Chu, D.Wang, and Y. Hou (2012), Eddy heat and salt transports in the South China Seaand their seasonal modulations, Journal of Geophysical Research,117(C5), C05021, doi:10.1029/2011JC007724.

    25. Chu, X., Y. He, and G. Chen, (2012). Asymmetry and anisotropy of microwave backscatterat low incidence angles. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 50(10), 4014-4024, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2012.2189010.

    26. Chen, G., Y. Hou and X. Chu (2011), Mesoscale eddies in theSouth China Sea: mean properties, spatio-temporal variability and impact onthermohaline structure, Journal of Geophysical Research,doi:10.1029/2010JC006716.

    27. Chen, G., P. Hu, Y. Hou and X. Chu (2011), Intrusion of theKuroshio into the South China Sea, in September 2008, Journal of Oceanography, 67,439–448.

    28. Chen, G., Y. Hou and X. Chu (2011),Water exchangeand circulation structure near the Luzon Strait in early summer, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 29(2), 470-481.

    29. Chen, G., Y. Hou, Q. Zhang and X. Chu (2010), The eddy pairoff eastern Vietnam: Interannual variability and impact on thermohalinestructure, Continental Shelf Research,30, 715-723.

    30. Chen, G., Y. Hou and X. Chu (2010),Vertical structures andevolutions of the Luzon Warm Eddy, ChineseJournal of Oceanology and Limnology,28(5),955-961.

    31. Chu X., Y. He and G. Chen (2010). A newalgorithm for wind speed at low incidence angles using TRMM precipitation radardata, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, vol. V,pp. 4162-4165, doi:10.1109/igarss.2010.5652819.

    32. Chen, G., Y. Hou, X. Chu, P. Qi, and P. Hu (2009), Thevariability of eddy kinetic energy in the South China Sea deduced fromsatellite altimeter data, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 27(4), 943-954.

    33. Hou Y., Y. Duan., G. Chen, et al. (2009).Statistical distribution of nonlinear random wave height in shallow water, Sci China Earth Sci, doi:10.1007/s11430-009-0206-9.

    34. Chu X., Y. He and G. Chen (2009). Therelationship between radar backscatter cross section and ocean wave parametersat low incidence angles, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, vol. V, pp. 3858-3861,doi:10.1109/IGARSS.2009.5417637.

    Work experience

    Recent representative papers (recent three years)


