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    Dr.Junmin Li

    • Direction:熱帶海洋動(dòng)力過(guò)程的環(huán)境效應
    • Administrative post:
    • Specialty:
    • Mentor:
    • Office phone:
    • Email address:jli@scsio.ac.cn
    • Postal address:廣州市海珠區新港西路164號
    Research direction


    individual resume


    Education experience

     1. 珊瑚礁水文過(guò)程與監測技術(shù)

    [1] Zhao Z., J. Li, W. Zhao, J. Yang, S. Qi, M. Xu. A numerical study of island wakes in the Xisha Archipelago associated with mesoscale eddies in the spring. Ocean modelling, 2019, accepted. (SCI)

    [2] Li B., J. Li*, J. Liu, P. Shi, W. Chen, H. Xing, G. Huang. Wave energy resources in nearshore area of Dongluo Island, Sanya. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, accepted. (EI)

    [3] 陳武陽(yáng), 李駿旻*, 何慶友, 唐世林, 施平. 南海島礁周邊海域表面葉綠素濃度的時(shí)空特征. 熱帶海洋學(xué)報, 2019. 已錄用. (核心期刊)

    [4] 李駿旻, 劉軍亮, 王盛安, 施平, 邢煥林, 李博, 陳武陽(yáng), 一種適用于珊瑚礁邊緣的水文觀(guān)測系統, 申請日期2018.7.24, 申請號201821189303.2. (授權專(zhuān)利)

    [5] 李駿旻, 劉軍亮, 陳武陽(yáng), 一種深海全深度水文觀(guān)測系統, 申請日期2018.7.24, 申請號201821190544.9. (授權專(zhuān)利)

    [6] 李駿旻, 吳澤文, 陳武陽(yáng), 一種深海多參數采集系統, 申請日期2018.7.24, 申請號201821176508.7. (授權專(zhuān)利)

    [7] 劉軍亮, 李駿旻, 邢煥林, 李博, 南沙水文觀(guān)測系統數據遠程實(shí)時(shí)接收服務(wù)器軟件V1.0, 軟著(zhù)登字第2054516號, 發(fā)表日期2017.5.1. (軟件著(zhù)作權)

    [8] 劉軍亮, 李駿旻, 邢煥林, 李博, 南沙水文觀(guān)測系統數據遠程實(shí)時(shí)接收客戶(hù)機軟件V1.0, 軟著(zhù)登字第2054522號, 發(fā)表日期2017.5.1. (軟件著(zhù)作權)

    [9] 陳武陽(yáng), 李駿旻, 李博, 南海島礁潮汐信息分析系統(簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng): ITIAS)V1.0, 軟著(zhù)登字第2945634號, 發(fā)表日期2018.3.16. (軟件著(zhù)作權)

    [10] 陳武陽(yáng), 李駿旻, 李博, 全球潮汐信息處理和查詢(xún)系統(簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng): GTIPS)V1.0, 軟著(zhù)登字第2727063號, 發(fā)表日期2018.3.5. (軟件著(zhù)作權)

    2. 中尺度渦旋及其環(huán)境效應

    [1] Li, J., Y. Qi, Z. Jing, J. Wang, Enhancement of eddy-Ekman pumping inside anticyclonic eddies with wind-parallel extension: Satellite observations and numerical studies in the South China Sea, Journal of Marine Systems, 2014, 132: 150-161. (SCI)

    [2] Li, J., Z. Jing, S. Jiang, D. Wang, T. Yan, A cyclonic eddy associated with reverse summer boundary current in the northwestern South China Sea. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management, 2015,18(4): 454-461. (SCI)

    [3] He, Q., H. Zhan, Y. Shuai, S. Cai, Q.P. Li, G. Huang, J. Li, Phytoplankton bloom triggered by an anticyclonic eddy: The combined effect of eddy-Ekman pumping and winter mixing. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2017, 112, 4886-4910. (SCI)

    3. 水動(dòng)力與生態(tài)模擬

    [1] Li, J., P. Huang, R. Zhang, Modeling the refuge effect of submerged macrophytes in ecological dynamics of shallow lakes: A new model of fish functional response, Ecological Modelling, 2010, 221(17): 2076-2085. (SCI)

    [2] Li, J., P. Huang, Z. Zhao, R. Zhang, Ambiguous influences of omnivorous fish on trophic cascade and alternative states: Implications for biomanipulation from an ecological model. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management, 2015, 18(1): 105-113. (SCI)

    [3] Li, J., An observation-based uncertainty evaluation coupling automatic calibration approach for ecological model of shallow lake. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2012, 21(8a): 2255-2265. (SCI)

    [4] 李駿旻, 黃平, 李毅能, 陳志高, 宋明偉, 填海工程水生生物量損失計算方法的探討, 熱帶海洋學(xué)報, 2009, 28(2): 92-97. (核心期刊)

    [5] 李駿旻, 黃平, 李毅能, 周翠娟, 李泉, 近似擬合法確定離散系數的適用性和選點(diǎn)策略, 水利水電科技進(jìn)展, 2008, 28(5): 10-12. (核心期刊)

    [6] Li, S., P. Huang, J. Li, A modified lattice Boltzmann model for shallow water flows over complex topography. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2015, 77(8): 441-458. (SCI)

    [7] Zhao Z., P. Huang, Y. Li, J. Li, A lattice Boltzmann method for viscous free surface waves in two dimensions. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2013, 71(2): 223-248. (SCI)

    [8] Zhang Z., P. Huang, Z. Chen, J. Li, Evaluation of distribution properties of non-point source pollution in a subtropical monsoon watershed by a hydrological model with a modified runoff module. Water, 2019, 11(5): 993. (SCI)

    Work experience

    2011/07-至今: 中國科學(xué)院南海海洋研究所, 熱帶海洋環(huán)境國家重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗室, 助理研究員、副研究員

    Recent representative papers (recent three years)

    2002/09-2006/06: 中山大學(xué), 環(huán)境科學(xué)系, 本科 2006/09-2011/06: 中山大學(xué), 環(huán)境科學(xué)系, 碩博連讀, 導師: 黃平


