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    Dr.Wen Zhou

    • Direction:熱帶海洋動(dòng)力過(guò)程的環(huán)境效應
    • Administrative post:
    • Specialty:
    • Mentor:
    • Office phone:
    • Email address:wenzhou@scsio.ac.cn
    • Postal address:廣州市海珠區新港西路164號
    Research direction


    individual resume

      2008年在中國科學(xué)院南海海洋研究所獲得物理海洋學(xué)博士學(xué)位。2014年10-2015/7在美國麻州大學(xué)波士頓分校(University of Massachusetts Boston)海洋光學(xué)實(shí)驗室訪(fǎng)問(wèn)。在國內外學(xué)術(shù)期刊上以發(fā)表第一作者論文9篇、合作論文20余篇。主要探討水體的生物光學(xué)特性的變化,及其與水體中顆粒物及浮游植物的粒徑/粒級結構之間的關(guān)系研究;研究水體光散射特性的變化機理,及其對海洋動(dòng)力過(guò)程的響應;等。主持國家自然科學(xué)基金青年及面上項目各一項,參加“863”計劃、院創(chuàng )新、國家基金、海洋公益性科研專(zhuān)項、海洋專(zhuān)項等項目多項。

    Education experience

              [1] Lin Junfang, Cao Wenxi, Wen Zhou, Hu Shuibo, Wang Guifen , Sun Zhaohua ,Xu Zhantang , SONG Qingjun. 2013. A bio-optical inversion model to retrieve absorption contributions and phytoplankton size structure from total minus water spectral absorption using genetic algorithm. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 31(5): 970-978.

    [2]Lin Junfang, Cao Wenxi, Wen Zhou, Sun Zhaohua, Xu Zhantang, Wang Guifen, Hu Shuibo, 2014, Novel method for quantifying the cell size of marine phytoplankton based on optical measurements. Optics Express. 5,22(9):10467-76,doi:10.1364/OE 22.010467.            

    [3] Wang Guoqing, Cao Wenxi, Wang Guifen, Wen Zhou.2013.Phytoplankton size class derived from phytoplankton absorption and chlorophyll- a concentrations in the northern South China Sea. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 31(4):750-761

    [4] Wen Zhou, Guifen Wang, Zhaohua Sun, et al. 2012. Variations in the optical scattering properties of phytoplankton cultures. Optics Express, 20(10):11189-11206.

    [5] Wen Zhou, Sun Zhaohua, Wang Guifen. 2012. Variations in the optical absorption and attenuation properties of cultured phytoplankton and their relationships with cell size.

    [6] Wen Zhou, Cao Wenxi. 2008. Modelling the influence of mineral particles and phytoplankton on chlorophyll estimation from ocean colour remote sensing. InternationalJournal of Remote Sensing 29:21,6237-6248.

         [7] Guifen Wang, Wen Zhou, Wenxi Cao, Jianping Yin, Yuezhong Yang, Zhaohua Sun,

    Yuanzhi Zhang, Jun Zhao. Variation of particulate organic carbon and its relationship with

    bio-optical properties during a phytoplankton bloom in the Pearl River estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin.2011,62. 1939-1947.

    [8] Guifen Wang, Wenxi Cao, Yuezhong Yang, Wen Zhou, et al. 2010.Variations in light absorption properties during a phytoplankton bloom in the Pearl River esturay. Continental Shelf Research 30:1085-1094.

     [9] Jun Zhao, Wenxi Cao, Yuezhong Yang, Guifen Wang, Wen Zhou, Zhaohua Sun. 2008,Measuring natural phytoplankton fluorescence and biomass: A case study of algal bloom in the Pearl River estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin 56 :1795–1801.

    [10] Jun Zhao, Wenxi Cao, Guifen Wang, Dingtian Yang, Yuezhong Yang, Zhaohua Sun, WenZhou, Shaojun Liang. 2009,The variations in optical properties of CDOM throughout an algal bloom event. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. doi:10.1016/ j.ecss. 2009.01.007

    [11] Wen Zhou, Cao Wenxi, Li Cai, et al.2010. Effects of algal cell structure on the optical properties of phytoplankton. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 29, 2:33-38. (In Chinese)

    [12] Wen Zhou, Cao Wenxi, Yang Yuezhong, et al. 2010. Spectral variability of particulate backscattering ratio in the Daya Bay. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 29, 2; 39-45. (In Chinese)

    [13] Wen Zhou, Cao Wenxi, Wang Guifen, et al. 2010. Retrieval of pigment concentrations from the absorption spectra of phytoplankton by multilayered perceptrons. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 29, 2:46-51. (In Chinese)

    [14] Guifen Wang, Cao Wenxi, Wen Zhou, et al., 2010. Retrieval of phytoplankton size structure based on the spectral slope of phytoplankton absorption in the northern South China Sea. Journal of Tropical Oceanography. 29(2): 25-32. (In Chinese)

    [15] Wenxi Cao, Yang Yuezhong,Wang Guifen, Zhao Jun, Wen Zhou, et al., 2010. Hyperspectral monitoring and early warning for algal blooms. Journal of Tropical Oceanography. 29(2):17-24. (In Chinese)

    [16] Wen Zhou, Cao Wenxi, Li Cai, et al. 2008. Spectral scattering property of phytoplankton calculated by absorption coefficient and size distribution. Acta Optica Sinica, 28,8:1429-1433. (In Chinese)

    [17] Wen Zhou, Cao Wenxi, Li Cai, 2008. Modeling absorption and scattering properties of mineral particles suspended in seawater based on Mie theory. Journal of Tropical Oceanography. 27(1):22-26. (In Chinese)

    [18] Wen Zhou, Cao Wenxi, Li Cai, 2007. Light absorption and scattering properties of phytoplankton: a theoretical modeling. Optical Technique, 33,2: 177-180. (In Chinese)

    [19] Wen Zhou, Cao Wenxi, Sun Zhaohua, 2007. Theoretical analysis on measuring particle-size distribution by shifrin transform. The Journal of light scattering, 19,3:236-241. (In Chinese).

    Work experience

    Recent representative papers (recent three years)


