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    Regulations of LTO Overseas Visiting FellowshipProgram


    This Fellowshipprogram is made, in accordance with the State Key Laboratory of TropicalOceanography (LTO) “Open Fund”, to guide the implementation of the “LTO OverseasVisiting Fellowship Program” (hereinafter referred to as “OVFP”). The aim of thisProgram is to promote academic exchange and cooperation between LTO andinternational research institutions and universities, and the training oftalented scientists, by attracting Overseas Visiting Scholars to come and conductthe cooperative research in LTO.


    Research Field

    1.  South ChinaSeaSCS Circulation and Meso- & Small-Scale Physical Processes

    RegionalClimate Research

    1Dynamic Mechanism of SCS Typical Meso-Scale PhysicalProcesses.

    2Interaction of SCS Western Boundary Current and Meso- &Small-Scale Physical Processes.

    3Comparative Analysis of Typical DynamicCharacteristics between SCS Circulation and Ocean Circulation.

    4Key Technology of Hydrological Security in SCS and AdjacentRegions.


    2.  TropicalOcean-Air Processes and Climate Effects

    1Thermohaline Distribution in Tropical Indian Ocean-SCSand its relations with Circulation Variation in IndianOcean-Pacific Large Scale.

    2Evoluting Mechanism of the Tropical Regions Thermodynamics Feedback and Climate Mode.

    3Global Climate Change and Regional Climate Response ofthe Tropical Ocean.


    3.  EnvironmentalEffects of Physical Processes in the Tropical Ocean

    1SCS Ecological Environment Characteristics andEvolution.

    2Meso- & Small-Scale Physics-Chemistry-BiologyCoupling Mechanism in Tropical Ocean.

    3New Techniques and Methods in Marine EnvironmentalElements Observation



    LTO plans tofund 5-10 overseas outstanding visiting fellows every year and for the durationof 2 weeks to 3 months.  

        There are 4 levels of living allowance for the recipient according to the length of the visitand the academic level of the visitor: A recipient who is currently aworld-class top scientist, will receive up to 15,000RMB a week (pre-tax);A recipient who is a oversea professor or equivalent, will receive up to40,000RMB a month (pre-tax); A recipient of an associate professor orequivalent position will receive up to 30,000RMB per month (pre-tax); Arecipient of an assistant professor or equivalent position will receive up to20,000RMB per month (pre-tax). Any other expense is not covered.

        In addition, LTO will provide each recipient with a round-trip (economy class) international airfare between theairport located nearest to their home or institute, whom can work in LTO 1-3months (not including the case of working less than one month).

        Apply for the Chinese Academy of Sciences InternationalTalent Program firstly is definitely encouraged. If it is approved, LTO willnot providing any funding support for him/her, but will provide 6,000 RMB per monthfor accommodation, which is reimbursed according to theactual expenditure. The candidate, who acquires the LTO Open Fund supporting,has a priority in OVFP selection.    



    Candidatesshould hold a formal research position (with academic standing as a Professor,Associate Professor, Assistant Professor or equivalent) in the overseaaffiliation and have outstanding academic accomplishments in related researchfields of LTO. The visitor should have a reasonable research plan and work full-timein LTO during visit; The collaborator in LTO should have related researchproject and support the project partially for the visiting plan.



    1、After the OVFP Fund Guidelines is published online,LTO begins to receive the applications in the whole year. Selection procedureswill take place once in every 2 months.

    2、You need to find a collaborator in LTO in the relatedresearch field; Please download the Application Form in the LTO web.  

    Website: http://fibrobutterflies.com/          Email: ledy@scsio.ac.cn

    3、LTO Laboratory Services Committeewill review and evaluate all applications to selectthe recipients and decide the funding level. Results will be published online atthe end of each 2 months.

    4、Funds will be made available during the planned fiscalyear. If the visit cannot be carried out according to the schedule, it will beexpired at the end of the planned year.

    LTO is responsible for the interpretation of theseregulations.



    LTO will sign anagreement with each recipient of OVFP and provide the necessary help in VISAapplication, accommodation and insurance purchasing etc.

    If the recipient wouldn’t complete the planned work,or break the law and academic ethics in China, LTO will stop the OVFP fundingand terminate the agreement. If the recipient would leave LTO in workdays,please send an application to LTO. We will deduct from the fund following theexact time and reasons.    

    The applicant should give an academic presentation inLTO during visiting; Submit a working report to LTO within 6 months after theprogram finished ; The paper/ book/ Academic Reports should acknowledge  the support by State Key Laboratory ofTropical Oceanography, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology Chinese Academyof Sciences (LTO-OVFP NO.**).

    OVFP Final Report Form.docx

    LTO Application Form for OVFP2016.docx