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    • 方  向:熱帶海洋動(dòng)力過(guò)程的環(huán)境效應
    • 行政職務(wù):
    • 學(xué)科專(zhuān)業(yè):海洋環(huán)境科學(xué)
    • 導  師:博導、碩導
    • 辦公電話(huà):020-89023069
    • 電子郵箱:chenghao@scsio.ac.cn
    • 通訊地址:廣州市海珠區新港西路164號



    程皓,研究員,博士研究生導師,中科院特聘骨干人才、廣東省特支計劃青年拔尖人才、珠江科技新星、中國紅樹(shù)林生態(tài)專(zhuān)業(yè)委員會(huì )委員、中國海洋工程咨詢(xún)協(xié)會(huì )理事。程皓研究員長(cháng)期致力于紅樹(shù)林生態(tài)學(xué)前沿研究,近年來(lái)尤其關(guān)注紅樹(shù)林對潮間帶極端環(huán)境和全球氣候變化的響應與維持機制,先后主持和參與國家科技基礎資源調查專(zhuān)項、國家重點(diǎn)研發(fā)計劃、國家自然科學(xué)基金等課題十余項,從結構適應和代謝適應等角度,破解了紅樹(shù)林成帶現象成因與耐水淹之謎;揭示了質(zhì)外體屏障在紅樹(shù)植物抗鹽耐污中的作用機制,剖析了紅樹(shù)植物對溫度異常的生理和分子響應;闡釋了紅樹(shù)林恢復/演替過(guò)程中碳庫穩定性動(dòng)態(tài)變化及其微生物耦合機制,提出了紅樹(shù)林碳匯與岸灘防護新觀(guān)點(diǎn)等,先后發(fā)表論文50余篇,獲省部級獎2項。






    1. Mai ZM, Zeng X, Wei X, Sun CC, Niu JW, Yan WW, Du J, Sun YT, Cheng H*. Mangrove restoration promotes the anti-scouribility of the sediments by modifying inherent microbial community and extracellular polymeric substance. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 811: 152369.

    2. Cheng H, Mai ZM, Wang YS, Liu DX, Sun YT. Role of extracellular polymeric substance on metal sequestration during mangrove restoration. Chemosphere 2022, 306: 135550.

    3. Liu DX, Mai ZM, Sun CC, Zhou YW, Liao HH, Wang YS*, Cheng H*. Dynamics of extracellular polymeric substances and soil organic carbon with mangrove zonation along a continuous tidal gradient. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022, 9: 967767. 

    4. Fei J, Wang YS*, Cheng H*, Su YB, Zhong YJ, Zheng L. The Kandelia obovata transcription factor KoWRKY40 enhances cold tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis. BMC Plant Biology 2022, 22: 274. 

    5. Tan S#, Xu XW, Cheng H#, Wang JJ, Wang X. The alteration of gut microbiome community play an important role in mercury biotransformation in largemouth bass. Environmental Research 2022, 204: 112026. 

    6. Sun CC, Yue WZ, Wang YS, He WH, Hong YG, Sun FL, Cheng H, Wu ML, Jiang ZY, Fei J, Wang YT. Distribution of Coomassie blue stainable particles in the pearl river estuary, China, insight into the nitrogen cycling in estuarine system. Frontiers in Marine Science 2022, 8: 733240.

    7. Mai ZM, Ye M, Wang Y, Foong SY, Wang L, Sun F*, Cheng H*. Characteristics of microbial community and function with the succession of mangroves. Frontiers in Microbiology 2021, 12: 764974. 

    8. Fei J, Wang YS*, Cheng H*, Su YB, Zhong YJ, Zheng L. Cloning and characterization of KoOsmotin from mangrove plant Kandelia obovata under cold stress. BMC Plant Biology, 2021, 21: 10. 

    9. Ma XX, Jiang ZY, Wu P, Wang YF, Cheng H*, Wang YS*, Gu, JD. Effect of mangrove restoration on sediment properties and bacterial community. Ecotoxicology 2021, 30: 1672-1679. 

    10. Fei J, Wang YS, Cheng H, Su YB. An efficient protein method applied to mangrove Kandelia obovata leaves for proteomic analysis. Plant Methods 2021, 17: 100.

    11. Cheng H, Liu Y, Jiang ZY, Wang YS. Radial oxygen loss is correlated with nitrogen nutrition in mangroves. Tree physiology 2020, 44: 1548-1560. 

    12. Ma RF, Jiang ZY, Wang M, Wang YS*, Cheng H*. Accumulation and distribution of mercury in mangrove wetlands along South China Coast, Ecotoxicology 2020, 29: 641-649.

    13. Cheng H, Wu ML, Li CD, Sun FL, Sun CC, Wang YS. Dynamics of radial oxygen loss in mangroves subjected to waterlogging. Ecotoxicology 2020, 26: 684-690.

    14. Cheng H, Wang YS, Li CD, Ye ZH, Muhammad S, Wu ML, Sun FL. Mixture of Pb, Zn and Cu on root permeability and radial oxygen loss in the mangrove Bruguiera gymnorrhiza. Ecotoxicology 2020, 26: 691-697.

    15. Cheng H, Inyang A, Li CD, Fei J, Zhou YW, Wang YS. Salt tolerance and exclusion in the mangrove plant Avicennia marina in relation to root apoplastic barriers. Ecotoxicology 2020, 29: 676-683.

    16. Cheng H#, Jiang ZY#, Ma XX, Wang YS. Nitrogen dynamics in the mangrove sediments affected by crabs in the intertidal region. Ecotoxicology 2020, 29: 669-675.

    17. Zhao Y, Wang X, Wang YS, Jiang Z.Y., Inyang AI, Cheng H*. Effects of salt on root aeration, nitrification and nitrogen uptake in mangroves. Forests 2019, 10, 1131.

    18. Cheng H, Wang YS, Fei J, Jiang ZY, Ye ZH. Differences in root aeration, iron plaque formation and waterlogging tolerance in six mangroves along a continues tidal gradient, Ecotoxicology, 2015, 24: 1659-1667.

    19. Cheng H, Wang YS, Liu Y, Ye ZH, Wu ML, Sun CC. Pb uptake and tolerance in the two selected mangroves with different root lignification and suberization, Ecotoxicology, 2015, 24, 1650-1658.

    20. Peng YL, Wang YS, Cheng H, Sun CC, Wu P, Wang LY, Fei J. Characterization and expression analysis of three CBF/DREB1 transcriptional factor genes from mangrove Avicennia marina. Aquatic Toxicology, 2013, 14068-76. 

    21. Cheng H, Jiang ZY, Liu Y, Ye ZH, Wu ML, Sun CC, Sun FL, Fei J, Wang YS. Metal (Pb, Zn and Cu) uptake and tolerance by mangroves in relation to root anatomy and lignification/suberization. Tree Physiology, 2014, 34, 646-656.

    22. Cheng H, Wang M, Wong MH, Ye ZH. Does radial oxygen loss and iron plaque formation on roots alter Cd and Pb uptake and distribution in rice plant tissues. Plant and Soil, 2014, 375, 137-148. IF: 4.192.

    23. Cheng H, Tam NFY, Wang YS, Li SY, Chen GZ, Ye ZH. Effects of copper on growth, radial oxygen loss and root permeability of seedlings of the mangroves Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Rhizophora stylosa. Plant and Soil, 2012, 359, 255-266. 

    24. Cheng H, Wang YS, Ye ZH, Chen DT, Wang YT, Peng YL, Wang LY. Influence of N deficiency and salinity on metal (Pb, Zn and Cu) accumulation and tolerance by Rhizophora stylosa in relation to root anatomy and permeability. Environmental Pollution, 2012, 164, 110-117. 

    25. Cheng H, Chen DT, Tam Nora FY, Chen GZ, Li SY, Ye ZH. Interactions among Fe2+, S2-, and Zn2+ tolerance, root anatomy, and radial oxygen loss in mangrove plants. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2012, 63, 2619-2630. 

    26. Cheng H, Liu Y, Tam NFY, Wang X, Li SY, Chen GZ, Ye ZH. The role of radial oxygen loss and root anatomy on zinc uptake and tolerance in mangrove seedlings. Environmental Pollution, 2010, 158, 1189-1196. 



    1. 費姣,王友紹,程皓. 一種適合雙向電泳的紅樹(shù)植物秋茄葉片總蛋白的提取方法,2017-02-01,中國,ZL201510684456.9.
    2. 王友紹,程皓,王玉圖,許方宏,陳粵超,吳曉東. 一種非宜林灘涂鄉土紅樹(shù)林防護林的構建和營(yíng)造方法,2017-02-01,中國,ZL201410118022.8.

