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    • 方  向:
    • 行政職務(wù):
    • 學(xué)科專(zhuān)業(yè):物理海洋學(xué)
    • 導  師:博士、碩士導師
    • 辦公電話(huà):020-8415 8514
    • 電子郵箱:chengengxin@scsio.ac.cn
    • 通訊地址:廣州市海珠區新港西路164號



    陳更新,責任研究員,博導。國家優(yōu)秀青年科學(xué)基金獲得者,廣東省卓越青年團隊項目負責人、國家重點(diǎn)研發(fā)課題負責人,獲評中國科學(xué)院青年創(chuàng )新促進(jìn)會(huì )優(yōu)秀會(huì )員、中國科學(xué)院廣州分院優(yōu)秀青年科學(xué)家、“廣東特支計劃”百千萬(wàn)工程青年拔尖人才等榮譽(yù)稱(chēng)號。 近年來(lái)主要圍繞大洋環(huán)流、中尺度渦、海洋災害開(kāi)展工作。在JPO、JGR、GRL、The Innovation、BAMS、Science Advances等刊物共發(fā)表論文65篇,其中第一作者和通訊作者論文40篇(一作28篇)。論文被引用2000余次,7篇第一作者引文百分位大于或等于95,1篇論文入選ESI高被引論文。熱心學(xué)術(shù)服務(wù),是自主刊物《The Innovation Geoscience》創(chuàng )刊人之一,擔任國家基金委印度洋首個(gè)重大科學(xué)問(wèn)題航次“90°E海嶺‘物理-生化’耦合動(dòng)力學(xué)研究”首席科學(xué)家。


    2006.09 – 2011.01 博士 中國科學(xué)院海洋研究所 物理海洋
    2002.09 – 2006.07 學(xué)士 河海大學(xué) 信息與計算科學(xué)


    2020.01 – 研究員 中國科學(xué)院南海海洋研究所 物理海洋
    2013.12 – 2019.12 副研究員 中國科學(xué)院南海海洋研究所 物理海洋
    2011.03 – 2013.12 助理研究員 中國科學(xué)院南海海洋研究所 物理海洋
    2017.11 –2018.03 訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者 美國俄勒岡州立大學(xué) Dudley Chelton
    2015.04 – 2016.03 訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者 美國科羅拉多大學(xué) Weiqing Han
    2013.09 – 2013.10 訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者 美國科羅拉多大學(xué) Weiqing Han
    2012.08 – 2013.01 訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者 美國緬因大學(xué) Huijie Xue


    1. Chen, G., Han, W., Huang, R. X., & Wang, D. (2024). Equatorial waves substantially modulate currents in the tropical Indian Ocean. The Innovation Geoscience. https://doi.org/10.59717/j.xinngeo.2024.100053

    2. Chen, G., W. Han, X. Ma, Y. Li, D. Wang (2023). Role of extreme Indian Ocean Dipole in regulating three-dimensional freshwater content in the Southeast Indian Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2022GL102290.

    3. Chen, G., R.X. Huang, Q. Peng, and X. Chu (2022). A time-dependent Sverdrup relation and its application to the Indian Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-21-0223.1.

    4. Chen, G., W. Han, L. Zhang, X. Chu, Y. He, and J. Chen (2022). Seasonal structure and interannual variation of the South Equatorial Current in the Indian Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JC018969.

    5. Chen, G., W. Han, T. Zu, X. Chu, and J. Chen (2022). The deep-penetrating South Equatorial Undercurrent in the tropical South Indian Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL098163.

    6. 陳更新. 鏈接熱帶東印度洋環(huán)流的海洋波動(dòng)橋梁, 地球科學(xué)進(jìn)展,2022371):80-86. DOI10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2021.113.The ocean wave bridge linking the circulation in the tropical Eastern Indian Ocean, Advances in Earth Science.

    7. Chen, G., Q. Wang, and X. Chu (2021), Accelerated spread of Fukushima’s waste water by ocean circulation. The Innovation 2(2), 100119.

    8. Chen, G., D. Wang, W. Han, M. Feng, F. Wang, Y. Li, J. Chen and A. L. Gordon (2020), The extreme El Ni?o events suppressing the intraseasonal variability in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 50, 2359-2372, https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-20-0041.1.

    9. Chen, G., W. Han, X. Zhang, L. Liang, H. Xue, K. Huang, Y. He, J. Li, and D. Wang (2020), Determination of Spatiotemporal Variability of the Indian Equatorial Intermediate Current, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 50, 3095-3108.

    10. Chen, G., W. Han, Y. Li, J. Yao, D. Wang (2019), Intraseasonal variability of the Equatorial Undercurrent in the Indian Ocean, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49, 85-101, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-18-0151.1.

    11. Chen, G., Y. Li, Q. Xie, and D. Wang (2018), Origins of Eddy Kinetic Energy in the Bay of Bengal, Journal of Geophysical Research, 123, doi: 10.1002/2017JC013455.

    12. Chen, G., W. Han, Y. Li, M. Mcphaden, J. Chen, W. Wang and D. Wang (2017), Strong Intraseasonal Variability of Meridional Currents near 5°N in the Eastern Indian Ocean: Characteristics and Causes, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47(5), 979-998.

    13. Chen, G., W. Han, Y. Shu, Y. Li, D. Wang and Q. Xie (2016), The role of Equatorial Undercurrent in sustaining the Eastern Indian Ocean upwelling, Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 6444–6451, doi:10.1002/2016GL069433.

    14. Chen, G., W. Han, Y. Li, and D. Wang (2016), Interannual Variability of Equatorial Eastern Indian Ocean Upwelling: Local versus Remote Forcing, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 46, 789–807.

    15. Chen, G., D. Wang, C. Dong, T. Zu, H. Xue, Y. Shu, X. Chu, Y. Qi, and H. Chen (2015), Observed deep energetic eddies by seamount wake, Scientific Reports, 5, 17416; doi: 10.1038/srep17416.

    16. Chen, G., W. Han, Y. Li, D. Wang, and T. Shinoda (2015), Intraseasonal variability of upwelling in the equatorial Eastern Indian Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research, 120, doi:10.1002/2015JC011223.

    17. Chen, G., W. Han, Y. Li, D. Wang and M. Mcphaden (2015), Seasonal-to-Interannual Time-Scale Dynamics of the Equatorial Undercurrent in the Indian Ocean, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45:1532-1553.

    18. Chen, G. and H. Xue (2014), Westward Intensification in Marginal Seas, Ocean Dynamics, 64:337–345.

    19. Chen, G., P. Xiu and F. Chai (2014), Physical and biological controls on the summer chlorophyll bloom to the east of Vietnam coast, Journal of Oceanography, 70:323–328.

    20. Chen, G., H. Xue, D.Wang and Q. Xie (2013), Observed Near-Inertial Kinetic Energy in the Northwestern South China Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research, 118,doi:10.1002/jgrc.20371.

    21. Chen, G., D. Wang, and Y. Hou (2012), The Features and interannual variability mechanism of mesoscale eddies in the Bay of Bengal, Continental Shelf Research, 47, 178-185.

    22. Chen, G., J. Gan, Q. Xie, X. Chu, D. Wang, and Y. Hou (2012), Eddy heat and salt transports in the South China Sea and their seasonal modulations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117(C5), C05021, doi:10.1029/2011JC007724.

    23. Chen, G., Y. Hou and X. Chu (2011), Mesoscale eddies in the South China Sea: mean properties, spatio-temporal variability and impact on thermohaline structure, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1029/2010JC006716.

    24. Chen, G., P. Hu, Y. Hou and X. Chu (2011), Intrusion of the Kuroshio into the South China Sea, in September 2008, Journal of Oceanography, 67,439–448.

    25. Chen, G., Y. Hou and X. Chu (2011), Water exchange and circulation structure near the Luzon Strait in early summer, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 29(2), 470-481

    26. Chen, G., Y. Hou, Q. Zhang and X. Chu (2010), The eddy pair off eastern Vietnam: Interannual variability and impact on thermohaline structure, Continental Shelf Research, 30, 715-723.

    27. Chen, G., Y. Hou and X. Chu (2010), Vertical structures and evolutions of the Luzon Warm Eddy, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology,28(5), 955-961.

    28. Chen, G., Y. Hou, X. Chu, P. Qi, and P. Hu (2009). The variability of eddy kinetic energy in the South China Sea deduced from satellite altimeter data, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 27(4), 943-954.

    29. Zhong, W., G. Chen*, and X. Chu (2024). An eddy pair in the northwestern Bay of Bengal: Characteristics, dynamics and interannual variability. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129, e2023JC020383. https://doi.org/10.1029/ 2023JC020383

    30. Cheng, L., et al (2024). New Record Ocean Temperatures and Related Climate Indicators in 2023. Adv. Atmos. Sci.

    31. Zhong, Q., G. Chen*, and J. Chen (2023). Intraseasonal variability of the equatorial intermediate current in the eastern Indian Ocean, Deep Sea Research I, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2022.103938

    32. Cheng, L., Abraham, J., Trenberth, K.E. et al (2023). Another Year of Record Heat for the Oceans. Adv. Atmos. Sci. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-023-2385-2

    33. Chu, X., W. Han, L. Zhang, and G. Chen* (2022). Effects of Climate Modes on Interannual Variability of the Equatorial Currents in the Indian Ocean, Climate Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-022-06515-7.

    34. Ma, X., G. Chen*, Y. Li, and L. Zeng (2022). Interannual variability of sea surface chlorophyll a in the southern tropical Indian Ocean: Local versus remote forcing, Deep Sea Research I, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2022.103914.

    35. Pathirana, G., D. Wang, G. Chen*, M. K. Abeyratne, T. Priyadarshana (2022). Effect of seasonal barrier layer on mixed-layer heat budget in the Bay of Bengal. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 41, 38–49.

    36. Huang, K. D. Wang, G. Chen et al. (2022). Intensification and dynamics of the westward Equatorial Undercurrent during the summers of 1998 and 2016 in the Indian Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL100168

    37. Peng, Q., S. P. Xie, D. Wang, R. X. Huang, G. Chen, Y. Shu, J. R. Shi, and W. Liu (2022). Surface warming-induced global acceleration of upper ocean currents. Science Advances, 8(16), DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abj8394.

    38. Fang, Y., Y. Sun, L. Zhang, G. Chen, M. Du and Y. Guo (2022), Stochastic Simulation of Typhoon in Northwest Pacific Basin Based on Machine Learning, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/6760944.

    39. Cheng, L. et al. (2022). Another record: Ocean warming continues through 2021 Despite La Nina Conditions. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 39, 373-385.

    40. Zhong, Q., G. Chen, Y. Li, Q. Peng, X. Chu (2022). Intraseasonal variability of the surface zonal current in the equatorial Indian Ocean: Seasonal differences and causes. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 41(5):12-26.

    41. Gonaduwage, L.P., G. Chen*, T. Priyadarshana, D. Wang, J. Yao (2021). Interannual variability of summertime eddy-induced heat transport in the Western South China Sea and its formation mechanism. Climate Dynamics, 57, 451–468,  https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-021-05719-7.

    42. Zeng, L., G. Chen, et al. (2021). A Decade of Eastern Tropical Indian Ocean Observation Network (TIOON), Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, E2034–E2052.

    43. Cheng, L. J. Abraham, K. Trenberth, J. Fasullo, T. Boyer, R. Locarnini, B. Zhang, F. Yu, L. Wan, X. Chen, X. Song, Y. Liu, M. Mann, F. Reseghetti, S. Simoncelli, V. Gouretski, G. Chen, A. Mishonov, J. Reagan, J. Zhu (2021). Upper Ocean Temperatures Hit Record High in 2020. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 12, 1-8.

    44. Sun, W., Y. Liu, G. Chen, W. Tan, X. Lin, Y. Guan, et al. (2021). Three-dimensional properties of mesoscale cyclonic warm-core and anticyclonic cold-core eddies in the south china sea, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 40(10), 13.

    45. Chu, X., G. Chen*, and Y. Qi (2020). Periodic mesoscale eddies in the South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, e2019JC015139,  https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JC015139.

    46. Geng, W., Cheng, F., Xie, Q. et al. Observation system simulation experiments using an ensemble-based method in the northeastern South China Sea. J. Ocean. Limnol. 38, 1729–1745 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00343-019-9119-4

    47. Huang, K., D. Wang, M. Feng, W. Han, G. Chen*, C. Sun X. Zhang, Q. Xie, W. Wang, Q. Liu, and J. Yao, (2020), Baroclinic characteristics and energetics of annual Rossby waves in the southern tropical Indian Ocean, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 50, 2591-2607, https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-19-0294.1

    48. Huang, K., D. Wang, W. Han, M. Feng, G. Chen*, W. Wang, J. Chen and J. Li (2019), Semiannual Variability of Mid–depth Zonal Currents along 5°N in the Eastern Indian Ocean: Characteristics and Causes, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49, 85-101, https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-19-0089.1. (IF:3.235)

    49. 杜巖, 陳舉, 經(jīng)志友, 王祥鵬,陳更新等. 南海開(kāi)放共享航次關(guān)鍵科學(xué)問(wèn)題的思考——從多尺度海洋動(dòng)力學(xué)角度出發(fā)(2020). 熱帶海洋學(xué)報, 39(6):1-17.[Thoughts on the key scientific issues of Shiptime Sharing Project/Open Cruise in the South China Sea—From the perspective of multi—scale ocean dynamics, Journal of Tropical Oceanography]

    50. Gonaduwage, L.P., G. Chen, M. J. McPhaden, T. Priyadarshana, Ke. Huang and D. Wang (2019). Meridional and Zonal Eddy-Induced Heat and Salt Transport in the Bay of Bengal and Their Seasonal Modulation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JC015124.

    51. Huang, K., W. Han, D. Wang, W. Wang, Q. Xie, J. Chen, and G. Chen*. (2018). Features of the equatorial intermediate current associated with basin resonance in the Indian Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 48, 1333-1347.

    52. Huang, K., D. Wang, W. Wang, J. Chen, L. Chen, and G. Chen* (2018). Multi-scale variability of the tropical Indian Ocean circulation system revealed by recent observations, SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciencesdoi: 10.1007/s11430-017-9179-x.

    53. Geng, W., Q. Xie, G. Chen, Q. Liu and D. Wang (2018), A three-dimensional modeling study on eddy-mean flow interaction between a Gaussian-type anticyclonic eddy and Kuroshio, Journal of Oceanography, 74 (1), 23-37.

    54. 周艷芳, 謝強, 陳更新,曾麗麗 (2017), 基于海洋模式數據的呂宋海峽輸運量和菲律賓黑潮流量關(guān)系的分析, 海洋與湖沼(6), 1269-1275.[ Analysis on the relationship between Luzon Strait transport and Philippine Kuroshio transport based on ocean model data, Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica]

    55. Shu, Y., J. Pan, D. Wang, G. Chen, L. Sun, and J. Yao (2016), Generation of near-inertial oscillations by summer monsoon onset over the South China Sea in 1998 and 1999, Deep Sea Research Part I, 118, 10-19.

    56. Geng, W., Q. Xie, G. Chen, T. Zu and D. Wang (2016), Numerical study on the eddy–mean flow interaction between a cyclonic eddy and Kuroshio, Journal of Oceanography, doi: 10.1007/s10872-016-0366-0.

    57. Xiao, J., Q. Xie, D. Wang, L. Wang, Y. Shu, C. Liu, J. Chen, J. Chen, J. Yao and G. Chen (2016), On the near-inertial variations of meridional overturning circulation in the South China Sea, Ocean Science, 12-335-344.

    58. 侯華千,謝強,陳更新,何云開(kāi),舒業(yè)強, TILAK Priyadarshana,姚景龍,王東曉(2016). 2005—2009年、2011年和2013年南海東北部120°E斷面秋季體積輸運的年際變化.海洋與湖沼, 47 (1), 36-42. [Observed interannual variability of volume transport at 120°E transect in northeastern South China Sea, Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica]

    59. 萬(wàn)云嬌, 陳更新*, 舒業(yè)強, 王強, 陳榮裕, 王東曉(2015).南海冬季風(fēng)潮背景下熱帶氣旋誘導的近慣性振蕩: Mirinae (0921) 個(gè)例分析. 熱帶海洋學(xué)報, 6, 11-18, 2015.[ Near-inertial oscillations induced by tropical cyclones under the background of South China Sea winter monsoon surge: A case study of Mirinae (0921), Journal of Tropical Oceanography]

    60. Yang, G., W. Yu, Y. Yuan, X. Zhao, F. Wang, G. Chen, L. Liu, Y. Duan (2015), Characteristics, vertical structures, and heatsalt transports of mesoscale eddies in the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research, 120, doi:10.1002/2015JC011130.

    61. Chu, X., H. Xue, Y. Qi, G. Chen, Q. Mao, D. Wang, F. Chai (2014). An exceptional anticyclonic eddy in the South China Sea in 2010, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1002/2013JC009314.

    62. Chu, X., Y. He, and G. Chen, (2012). Asymmetry and anisotropy of microwave backscatter at low incidence angles. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 50(10), 4014-4024, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2012.2189010.

    63. Chu X., Y. He and G. Chen (2010). A new algorithm for wind speed at low incidence angles using TRMM precipitation radar data, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, vol. V, pp. 4162-4165, doi:10.1109/igarss.2010.5652819.

    64. Chu X., Y. He and G. Chen (2009). The relationship between radar backscatter cross section and ocean wave parameters at low incidence angles, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, vol. V, pp. 3858-3861, doi:10.1109/IGARSS.2009.5417637.

    65. Hou Y., Y. Duan., G. Chen, et al. (2009). Statistical distribution of nonlinear random wave height in shallow water, Sci China Earth Sci, doi: 10.1007/s11430-009-0206-9.



