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    • 方  向:海洋環(huán)境與生態(tài)學(xué);紅樹(shù)林生物生態(tài)學(xué)
    • 行政職務(wù):
    • 學(xué)科專(zhuān)業(yè):環(huán)境科學(xué)
    • 導  師:碩士導師
    • 辦公電話(huà):020-89023069
    • 電子郵箱:mlwu@scsio.ac.cn
    • 通訊地址:廣州市海珠區新港西路164號



    目前主要關(guān)注人類(lèi)活動(dòng)和自然變化對粵港澳大灣區生態(tài)環(huán)境演變,尤其近海海洋環(huán)境與微生物相互作用,紅樹(shù)林生物生態(tài)學(xué),取得重要的創(chuàng )新性成果,發(fā)表論文80多篇,其中在Marine Pollution Bulletin、Journal of Environmental Management、Frontiers in Marine Science、Scientific Reports、Journal of Marine Systems、Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science等期刊發(fā)表SCI論文60余篇,其中第一作者或通信作者30余篇,引用1000余次,研究成果被"Nature China"("自然中國")選擇為亮點(diǎn)論文以及2011年國際埃尼獎(Eni Award 2011)提名,獲2015年廣州市科學(xué)技術(shù)進(jìn)步一等獎(排名5),2019年海洋工程科技獎一等獎(排名9)。作為SCI期刊Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management客座編輯(2015),擔任Water(2022)、Frontier in Marine Science (2022-2023)客座編輯。


    1997.9-2001.7 中南大學(xué) 工業(yè)分析 學(xué)士學(xué)位
    2002.9-2005.6 中南大學(xué) 分析化學(xué) 碩士學(xué)位
    2005.9-2008.7 中國科學(xué)院研究生院/中國科學(xué)院南海海洋研究所 海洋生物學(xué) 博士學(xué)位


    2008.7 -2010.12 中國科學(xué)院南海海洋研究所 助理研究員
    2010.12-2016.12 中國科學(xué)院南海海洋研究所 副研究員/2014年碩導
    2015.3-2016.2 美國緬因大學(xué) 訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者/中科院公派訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者
    2019.1至2021.6 中國科學(xué)院南海海洋研究所 合作處/科規處副處長(cháng)
    2016.12至今 中國科學(xué)院南海海洋研究所 研究員/碩導


    1. Mei-Lin Wu, You-Shao Wang, Yu-Tu Wang, Fu-Lin Sun, Xiaomei Li , Fang-Fang Gu, Jing-Chang Xiang Vertical patterns of chlorophyll-a in the euphotic layer are related to mesoscale eddies in the South China Sea Frontiers in Marine Science2022, accepted

    2. Mei-Lin Wu, You-Shao Wang,Yu-Tu Wang, Fu-Lin Sun, Xiaomei Li, Ji-Dong Gu  A weak cold eddy influencing nitrogen form in the western part of the South China Sea  Regional Studies in Marine Science Available online 5 July 2022, 102521

    3. Mei-Lin Wu, Huijie Xue, Fei Chai Asymmetric chlorophyll responses enhanced by internal waves near Dongsha Atoll in the South China Sea Journal of Oceanology and Limnology,2022, In press

    4. Yongqiang Chen, Dajun Qiu, Peter Cornillon, Meilin Wu* Chlorophyll bloom enhanced by the mesoscale eddy in the western South China Sea Frontiers of Earth Science2022in press

    5. Fulin Sun; Youshao Wang; Zhaoyu Jiang; CuiCi Sun; Yutu Wang; Meilin Wu* Abundance and Diversity of Dimethylsulfoniopropionate Degradation Genes of Roseobacter Group in the Northern South China Sea Frontiers in Marine Science2022. 9:895613 DOIhttps://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.895613

    6. Xiaomei Li; Youshao Wang; Junde Dong; Meilin Wu* Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Kandelia obovata to Upwelling Stress Water20220614DOIhttps://doi.org/ 10.3390/w14060899

    7. Fulin Sun; Xiaomin Xia; Meinhard Simon; Youshao Wang; Hui Zhao; Cuici Sun; Hao Cheng; Yutu Wang; Shuibo Hu; Jiao Fei; Meilin Wu* Anticyclonic Eddy Driving Significant Changes in Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Communities in the South China Sea Frontiers in Marine Science9DOI10.3389/fmars.2022.773548

    8. Mei-Lin Wu, Hao Cheng, Hui Zhao, Fu-Lin Sun, Yu-Tu Wang, Jian-Ping Yin, Jiao Fei, Cui-Ci Sun,You-Shao Wang Distribution patterns and source identification for heavy metals in Mirs Bay of Hong Kong in China, Ecotoxicology,2020,29(6):762-770

    9. Mei-Lin Wu, Yu-Tu Wang, Hao Cheng, Fu-lin Sun, Jiao Fei, Cui-Ci Sun, Jian-Ping Yin, Hui Zhao,You-Shao Wang, Phytoplankton community, structure and succession delineated by partial least square regression in Daya Bay, South China Sea, Ecotoxicology,2020,29(6):751–761

    10. Meilin WU*, Youshao WANG, Junde DONG, Fulin SUN, Yutu WANG, Yiguo HONG  Spatial assessment of water quality using chemometrics in the Pearl River Estuary, China  Frontiers of Earth Science, 2017, 11(1):114-126 (SCI)

    11. Mei-LinWu*, You-ShaoWang, Yu-TuWang, Jian-Ping Yin, Jun-De Dong, Zhao-Yu Jiang, Fu-Lin Sun Scenarios of nutrient alterations and responses of phytoplankton in a changing Daya Bay, South China Sea  Journal of Marine Systems,2017,165:1–12 (SCI)

    12. Mei-Lin Wu*, You-Shao Wang, Yu-Tu Wang, Fu-Lin Sun, Cui-Ci Sun, Hao Cheng, Jun-De Dong  Seasonal and spatial variations of water quality and trophic status in Daya Bay, South China Sea Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2016,112(1-2):341-348 (SCI)

    13. Wu, Mei-Lin; Hong, Yi-Guo ; Yin, Jian-Ping; Dong, Jun-De ; Wang, You-Shao

    14. Evolution of the sink and source of dissolved inorganic nitrogen with salinity as a tracer during summer in the Pearl River Estuary Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 36638, 10.1038/srep36638

    15. Mei-Lin Wu*, Qin-Yan Liu, Jun-De Dong, You-Shao Wang, Dong-Xiao Wang   Primary nitrite maximum in the euphotic layer near the Xisha Islands, South China Sea Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 2015,18(4):414-423 (SCI)

    16. Jun-De Dong, Yuan-Chao Li, You-Shao Wang, Dong-Xiao Wang, Mei-Lin Wu*  The baseline of coral reef water quality in Xisha Islands waters of South China Sea under southwest monsoon  Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management,2015,18(4):433-442 (SCI)

    17. Dongxiao Wang, Meilin Wu Tropical Marine Environmental Change (TMEC) Preface Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management,2015, 18 (4) :355-356

    18. 吳梅林; 吳鵬  自組織特征映射神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò )識別珠江口夏季水質(zhì)空間格局  生態(tài)科學(xué), 2015, (03): 20-25

    19. Mei-Lin Wu, You-Shao Wang, Ji-Dong Gu Assessment for water quality by artificial neural network in Daya Bay, South China Sea  Ecotoxicology, 2015, 24(7-8):1632-1642 (SCI)

    20. Zhen-Zhen Wu, Zhi-Wei Che, You-Shao Wang, Jun-De Dong, Mei-Lin Wu*  Identification of Surface Water Quality along the Coast of Sanya, South China Sea  PLOS ONE, 2015, 10(4): e0123515 (SCI)

    21. Mei-Lin Wu, Yu-Tu Wang, You-Shao Wang, Fu-Lin Sun   Influence of environment changes on picophytoplankton and bacteria in Daya Bay, South China Sea   Ciencias Marinas, 2014, 40(3): 197-210 (SCI)

    22. Juan Ling, Mei-Lin Wu, Yong-Fu Chen, Jun-De Dong  Identification of Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Coastal Waters in Sanya Bay, South China Sea by  Chemometrics  Journal of Environmental Informatics, 2014, 23(1):37-43 (co-first author) (SCI)

    23. Mei-Lin Wu, Jun-De Dong, You-Shao Wang, Dong-Xiao Wang  Effects of Coastal Upwelling on Picophytoplankton distribution off Zhanjiang in South China Sea  Oceanological and Hydrobiological studies, 2014, 43(3): 283-291 (SCI)

    24. Mei-Lin Wu, You-Shao Wang, Yu-Tu Wang, Fu-Lin Sun, Hao Cheng, Cui-Ci Sun Influence of environmental changes on phytoplankton pattern in Daya Bay, South China Sea   Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía, 2014, 49(2): 323-337 (SCI)

    25. Mei-Lin Wu, You-Shao Wang, Haili Wang, Song Sun, Cui-Ci Sun, Jun-De Dong, Jingfeng Wu Monsoon-driven Dynamics of water quality in Daya Bay, South China Sea by multivariate statistical methods  Oceanological and Hydrobiological studies, 2012, 414):66-76 (SCI)

    26. Mei-Lin Wu, Yan-Ying Zhang, Jun-De Dong*, Chuang-Hua Cai , Li-Juan Long, Si Zhang   Monsoon-driven dynamics of environmental factors and phytoplankton in tropical Sanya Bay, South China Sea  Oceanological and Hydrobiological studies, 2012, 411):57-66. (SCI)

    27. Mei-Lin Wu, Juan Ling, Li-Juan Long, Si Zhang, Yan-Ying Zhang, You-Shao Wang, Jun-De Dong  Influence of human activity and monsoon dynamics on spatial and temporal hydrochemistry in tropical coastal waters (Sanya Bay, South China Sea)  Chemistry and Ecology, 2012, 28(4):375–390 (SCI)

    28. Mei-Lin Wu, Yan-Ying Zhang, Li-Juan Long, Si Zhang, You-Shao Wang, Juan Ling, Jun-De Dong   Identification of coastal water quality including heavy metal in Sanya Bay, South China Sea  Polish Journal of Environment Studies, 2012, 21(5): 1445-1452  (SCI)

    29. Mei-Lin Wu, Yan-Ying Zhang, Jun-De Dong, You-Shao Wang, Chuang-Hua Cai     Identification of coastal water quality by self-organizing map in Sanya Bay, South China Sea   Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 2011, 14(3):291-297. (SCI)

    30. Mei-Lin Wu, You-Shao Wang, Jun-De Dong, Cui-Ci Sun, Yu-Tu Wang, Fu-Lin Sun, Hao Cheng    Investigation of spatial and temporal trends in water quality in Daya Bay, South China Sea.   International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2011, 8, 2352-2365. (SCI)  

    31. Mei-Lin Wu, You-Shao Wang, Cui-Ci Sun, Haili Wang, Jun-De Dong, Jian-Ping Yin, Shu-Hua Han    Identification of coastal water quality by statistical analysis methods in Daya Bay, South China Sea.  Marine pollution bulletin, 2010, 60(6): 852-860. (SCI)

    32. Mei-Lin Wu, You-Shao Wang, Cui-Ci Sun, Haili Wang, Jun-De Dong, Shu-Hua Han        Identification of anthropogenic effects and seasonality on water quality in Daya Bay, South China Sea.  Journal of Environmental Management, 2009, 90(10):3082-3090. (SCI)

    33. Mei-Lin Wu, You-Shao Wang, Cui-Ci Sun, Haili Wang, Zhi-ping Lou, Jun-De Dong   Using chemometrics to identify water quality in Daya Bay, China. Oceanologia, 2009, 51(2)217-232. (SCI)

    34. Mei-Lin Wu, You-Shao Wang   Using chemometrics to evaluate anthropogenic effects in Daya Bay, China.  Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2007,72 (2) :732-742. (SCI) “ Nature China”

    35. 吳梅林; 王友紹; 林立; 宋暉; 孫翠慈  基于主成分分析研究大亞灣水質(zhì)時(shí)空變化特征 海洋環(huán)境科學(xué), 2009, (03)

    36. 吳梅林; 周春山; 鐘世安; 谷芳芳  大孔吸附樹(shù)脂純化銀杏活性化合物的工藝研究 中南藥學(xué), 2005, 03(2): 75-77

    37. 吳梅林; 周春山; 陳龍勝; 鐘世安; 谷芳芳 酶法提取銀杏黃酮類(lèi)化合物研究 天然產(chǎn)物研究與開(kāi)發(fā), 2004, 16(6): 557-560




    38. Yuxuan Hou, Jie Yang, Christopher J. Russoniello, Tianyuan Zheng, Mei-lin Wu, Xuan Yu Impacts of Coastal Shrimp Ponds on Saltwater Intrusion and Submarine Groundwater Discharge Volume58, Issue7,July 2022

    39. Lin Luo, Meilin Wu Spatiotemporal characteristics of summer hypoxia in Mirs Bay and adjacent coastal waters Journal of Oceanology and Limnology,2022, In press

    40. Xiaofang Huang, Jianxiang Feng, Junde Dong, Jian Zhang, Qingsong Yang, Chenxi Y u, Meilin Wu, Wenqian Zhang, Juan Ling Spartina alterniflora invasion and mangrove restoration alter diversity and composition of sediment diazotrophic community Applied Soil Ecology,177, 2022, 104519

    41. Cui-ci Sun; Wei-zhong Yue; You-Shao Wang; Wei-Hong He; Yi-Guo Hong; Fun-Lin Sun; Hao Cheng; Mei-Lin Wu; Zhao-Yu Jiang; Jiao Fei; Yu-Tu Wang Distribution of Coomassie Blue Stainable Particles in the Pearl River Estuary, China, Insight Into the Nitrogen Cycling in Estuarine System Frontiers in Marine Science 8https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.733240

    42. Fu-lin Sun, You-Shao Wang, Mei-Lin Wu, Cui-Ci Sun, Zhao-Yu Jiang, Hao Cheng ,Jiao Fei  Bacterial community variations in the South China Sea driven by different chemical conditions, Ecotoxicology, 2021,30(9):1808-1815

    43. Ying Zhang, Qingsong Yang, Juan Ling, Lijuan Long, Hui Huang, Jianping Yin, Meilin Wu, Xiaoyu Tang, Xiancheng Lin, Yanying Zhang and Junde Dong Shifting the microbiome of a coral holobiont and improving host physiology by inoculation with a potentially beneficial bacterial consortium BMC Microbiology 2021 21:130

    44. Yu-Tu Wang, You-Shao Wang, Mei-Lin Wu, Cui-Ci Sun, Ji-Dong Gu Assessing ecological health of mangrove ecosystems along South China Coast by the pressure-state-response (PSR) model, Ecotoxicology, 2021,30(4), 622–631

    45. Hao Cheng, You-Shao Wang, Chang-Da Li, Zhi-Hong Ye, Shafi Muhammad, Mei-Lin Wu, Fun-Lin Sun Mixture of Pb, Zn and Cu on root permeability and radial oxygen loss in the mangrove Bruguiera gymnorrhiza,  Ecotoxicology,2020,29(6), 691–697

    46. Funlin Sun,  Meilin Wu, Youshao Wang, Cuici Sun,Zhangtang Xu,Diversity and potential function of bacterial communities in different upwelling systems, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,2020,237,106698

    47. Hao Cheng, Mei-Lin Wu, Chang-Da Li, Fun-Lin Sun, Cui-Ci Sun, You-Shao Wang, Dynamics of radial oxygen loss in mangroves subjected to waterlogging, Ecotoxicology,2020,29(6):684-690

    48. Fun-Lin Sun, You-Shao Wang, Mei-Lin Wu, Cui-Ci Sun Cyanobacterial community diversity in the sediments of the Pearl River Estuary in China. SCIENTIA MARINA,2017,81(4)477-485

    49. Jiapeng Wu, Yiguo Hong, Fengjie Guan, Yan Wang, Yehui Tan, Weizhong Yue, Meilin Wu, Liying Bin, Jiaping Wang,Jiali Wen A rapid and high-throughput microplate spectrophotometric method for field measurement of nitrate in seawater and freshwater Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 20165, doi:10.1038/srep20165 (SCI)

    50. Qingsong Yang, Junde Dong, Yanying Zhang, Juan Ling, Dongxiao Wang, Meilin Wu, Yufeng Jiang & Yuanzhou Zhang Diversity analysis of diazotrophs associated with corals from Xisha and Sanya, South China Sea Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 2015, 18(4):433-442(SCI)

    51. Zhao-Yu Jiang, You-Shao Wang, Hao Cheng, Cui-Ci Sun, Mei-Lin Wu  Variation of phytoplankton community structure from the Pearl River estuary to South China Sea  Ecotoxicology, 2015,24(7-8):1442-1449(SCI)

    52. Zhang, Yan-Ying;Ling, Juan ; Yang, Qing-Song ; Wang, You-Shao; Sun, Cui-Ci; Sun, Hong-Yan ; Feng, Jing-Bin; Jiang, Yu-Feng ; Zhang, Yuan-Zhou; Wu, Mei-Lin ; Dong, Jun-De The diversity of coral associated bacteria and the environmental factors affect their community variation   Ecotoxicology, 2015, 24(7-8):1467-1477 (SCI)

    53. Fu-Lin Sun, You-Shao Wang, Mei-Lin Wu, Cui-Ci Sun, Hao Cheng Spatial and vertical distribution of bacterial community in the northern South China Sea Ecotoxicology,2015, 24(7-8)1478-1485 (SCI)

    54. Yiguo Hong, Shuailong Wang, Riang-Rong Xu,iapeng Wu, Ling Liu, Weizhong Yue, Meilin Wu, Youshao Wang Developing a salinity-based approach for the evaluation of DIN removal rate in estuarine ecosystems  Ecotoxicology, 2015, 24(7-8):1611-1620 (SCI)

    55. Jian-Dong Zhang, You-Shao Wang, Hao Cheng, Zhao-Yu Jiang, Cui-Ci Sun, Mei-Lin Wu  Distribution and sources of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the sediments of the Pearl River estuary, China Ecotoxicology, 2015,24(7-8):1643-1649 (SCI)

    56. Hao Cheng, You-Shao Wang, Yong Liu, Zhi-Hong Ye, Mei-Lin Wu, Cui-Ci Sun Pb uptake and tolerance in the two selected mangroves with different root lignification and suberization  Ecotoxicology, 2015,24(7-8):1650-1658 (SCI)

    57. Juan Ling, Yanying Zhang, Meilin Wu, Youshao Wang, Junde Dong, Yufeng Jiang, Qingsong Yang, Siquan Zeng Fungal Community Successions in Rhizosphere Sediment of Seagrasses Enhalus acoroides under PAHs Stress International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2015, 16, 14039-14055 (SCI)

    58. Sun, Fu-Lin; Wang, You-Shao; Wu, Mei-Lin ; Jiang, Zhao-Yu ; Sun, Cui-Ci; Cheng, Hao  Genetic Diversity of Bacterial Communities and Gene Transfer Agents in Northern South China Sea Plos one, 9(11) : e111892 DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0111892

    59. Hao Cheng, Zhao-Yu Jiang, Yong Liu, Zhi-Hong Ye, Mei-Lin Wu, Cui-Ci Sun, Fu-Lin Sun, Jiao Fei, You-Shao Wang  Metal (Pb, Zn and Cu) uptake and tolerance by mangroves in relation to root anatomy and lignification/suberization  Tree Physiology, 2014,34, 646–656 (SCI)

    60. 楊志浩; 吳鵬吳梅林; 劉基 多溴聯(lián)苯醚的微生物降解研究進(jìn)展  生態(tài)科學(xué), 2014, (06): 1224-1230

    61. Jian-Ping Yin, Juan Ling, Jun-De Dong, Mei-Lin Wu, Yan-Ying Zhang, You-Shao Wang  Vertical Variations of Bacterial Community Composition in South China Sea Determined by DGGE Fingerprinting and Multivariate Analysis Polish journal of environmental studies  2014,23(5): 1787-1796 (SCI)

    62. Peng Wu, You-Shao Wang, Fu-Lin Sun, Mei-Lin Wu, Ya-Lan Peng  Bacterial polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases in the sediments from the Pearl River estuary, China  Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2014,98(2):875-884 (SCI)

    63. 林立; 王友紹; 李楠; 吳鵬; 孫翠慈吳梅林; 宋暉  南海北部表層硝酸鹽濃度反演研究    生態(tài)科學(xué), 2013, 32(01): 8-13. 

    64. Juan Ling, Jun-De Dong, You-Shao Wang, Yan-Ying Zhang, Chao Deng, Li Lin, Mei-Lin Wu, Fu-Lin Sun    Spatial variation of bacterial community structure of the Northern South China Sea in relation to water chemistry  Ecotoxicology, 2012,21(6 ,SI): 1669-1679  (SCI)

    65. You-Shao Wang, Zhi-Ping Lou, Cui-Ci Sun, Haili Wang, B. Greg Mitchell, Mei-Lin Wu and Chao Deng  Identification of water quality and zooplankton characteristics in Daya Bay, China, from 2001 to 2004 Environmental Earth Sciences, 2012, 662):655-671 (SCI)

    66. You-Shao Wang, Mei-Lin Wu, Ji-Rong Xu, Cui-Ci Sun, Jun-De Dong, Zong-Xun Sun   Factors controlling nitrous oxide in the inner Pearl River Estuary, Northern South China Sea   Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 2012, 15(2):176–184  (SCI). 

    67. Hui Song, You-Shao Wang, Cui-Ci Sun, Mei-Lin Wu, Ya-Lan Peng, Chao Deng and Qian P. Li   Effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons exposure on antioxidant system activities and proline content in Kandelia candel   Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 2011, 40(3):9-18. (SCI)

    68. Fu-Lin Sun, You-Shao Wang, Mei-Lin Wu, Yu-Tu Wang, Qian P. Li   Spatial heterogeneity of bacterial biodiversity in the sediments of the Pearl River Estuary. Biologia, 2011, 66(4), 574-584. (SCI)

    69. Cui-Ci Sun, You-Shao Wang, Mei-Lin Wu, Jun-De Dong, Yu-Tu Wang, Fu-Lin Sun, Yan-Ying Zhang   Seasonal variation of water quality and phytoplankton response patterns in Daya Bay, China.   International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2011, 8, 2951-2966. (SCI)

    70. You-Shao Wang, Cui-Ci Sun, Zhi-Ping Lou, Haili Wang, B. Greg Mitchell, Mei-Lin Wu, Zong-Xun Sun  Identification of water quality and benthos characteristics in Daya Bay, China, from 2001 to 2004.  Oceanological and Hydrobiological studies, 2011, 40(1): 82-95. (SCI)

    71. Li Lin, You-Shao Wang, Cui-Ci Sun, Nan Li, Haili Wang, B. Greg Mitchell, Mei-Lin Wu, Hui Song, Jing-Feng Wu  Demonstration of a new indicator for studying upwelling in the northern South China Sea.  Oceanologia, 2011, 53 (2):605–622. (SCI)

    72. Jun-De Dong, Yan-Ying Zhang, Si Zhang, You-Shao Wang, Zhi-Hao Yan, Mei-Lin Wu       Identification of temporal and spatial variations of water quality in Sanya Bay, China by three-way principal component analysis. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2010, 60(8): 1673-1682. (SCI)

    73. 黃國勇; 王友紹; 孫翠慈; 宋暉吳梅林; 董俊德 秋茄葉對復合重金屬的脅迫反應及其積累能力研究 熱帶海洋學(xué)報, 2010, (06)

    74. 孫翠慈; 王友紹吳梅林; 李楠; 林立; 宋暉; 王玉圖; 鄧超; 彭亞蘭; 孫富林; 李超倫  夏季珠江口透明胞外聚合顆粒物分布特征 熱帶海洋學(xué)報, 2010, (05)

    75. Jun-De Dong, Yan-Ying Zhang, You-Shao Wang, Mei-Lin Wu, Si Zhang, Chuang-Hua Cai   Chemometry use in the evaluation of the Sanya Bay water quality.   Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 2010, 58(4):339-352. (SCI)

    76. 王玉圖; 王友紹; 李楠; 林立; 宋暉; 孫翠慈吳梅林; 崔海平  基于PSR模型的紅樹(shù)林生態(tài)系統健康評價(jià)體系----以廣東省為例 生態(tài)科學(xué), 2010, 29(3): 234-241

    77. 李楠; 王友紹; 林立; 孫翠慈吳梅林; 宋暉; 王玉圖; 崔海平; 孫富林; 鄧超; 彭亞蘭 湛江特呈島紅樹(shù)植物群落結構特征 生態(tài)科學(xué), 2010, (01): 8-13

    78. 楊志浩; 董俊德吳梅林; 張燕英; 王漢奎; 張偲; 王友紹; 孫翠慈; 周偉華  三亞灣網(wǎng)采浮游植物群落結構特征分析 熱帶海洋學(xué)報, 2007, 26(6): 62-66

    79. 任鳳蓮吳梅林; 谷芳芳 高效液相色譜法測定山楂葉中熊果酸含量的研究(英文天然產(chǎn)物研究與開(kāi)發(fā), 2007, (02): 303-305. 

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    1. 董俊德;楊志浩;張燕英;凌娟;王友紹;張偲;吳梅林 紅樹(shù)植物根際促生固氮菌(DZY-HS14)及其應用


    1. Mei-Lin Wu, Jun-De Dong and You-Shao Wang (2017). Identification of Seawater Quality by Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Xisha Islands, South China Sea, Water Quality, Prof. Hlanganani Tutu (Ed.), InTech, Chapter 8, Page:159-168, DOI: 10.5772/66227.
