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    • 方  向:南海環(huán)流與中小尺度動(dòng)力過(guò)程
    • 行政職務(wù):
    • 學(xué)科專(zhuān)業(yè):
    • 導  師:碩士導師
    • 辦公電話(huà):020-89024304
    • 電子郵箱:qyliu66@scsio.ac.cn
    • 通訊地址:廣州市海珠區新港西路164號







    1.  Xiao F.A , L L Zeng, and Q-Y Liu et al,Extreme subsurface warm events in the South China Sea during 1998/99 and 2006/07: observations and mechanisms, Clim Dyn.  
    2. W Geng, Q Xie, G Chen, Q-Y Liu, D Wang,A three-dimensional modeling study on eddy-mean flow interaction between a Gaussian-type anticyclonic eddy and Kuroshio,《Journal of Oceanography》, 2018 , 74 (1) :23-37。
    3. 李晗,王強,黃科,劉欽燕等(2017),1992-2011年夏季南海西部離岸流區渦流相互作用特征,《海洋與湖沼》,48 (5) :912-925.
    4. 姚景龍 , 李晗 , 劉欽燕等(2017),南海貫穿流荷載中尺度過(guò)程能量學(xué)診斷,《海洋與湖沼》,(6) :1257-1268。
    5. Liu. Q.-Y., M. Feng., D. Wang, S. Wijffels (2015), Interannual variability of the Indonesian Throughflow transport: a revisit based on 30-year expendable bathythermograph data, J. Geophys. Res. doi:10.1002/2015JC011351.
    6. Liu. Q.-Y., D. Wang, X. Wang, Y. Shu., and J. Chen (2014), Thermal variations in the South China Sea associated with the eastern and central Pacific El Ni?o events and their mechanisms, J. Geophys. Res. 119, 8955-8972.
    7. Liu. Q., Huang. R. X., and Wang. D (2012), Implication of the South China Sea throughflow for the interannual variability of the region upper-ocean heat content, Adv. Atmos. Sci, 29(1), 54-62.
    8. Liu. Q., Feng. M. and Wang. D (2011), ENSO-induced interannual variability in the southeastern South China Sea, J Oceanogr., 67, 127-133.
    9. Liu. Q, R. X. Huang, D. Wang, Q. Xie, Q. Huang (2006), Interplay between the Indonesian throughflow and the South China Sea throughflow. Chin. Scien. Bull., 51, 44-50.
    10. Wang D., Q. Liu, R. X. Huang, Y. Du, T. Qu (2006), Interannual variability of the South China Sea throughflow inferred from wind data and an ocean general circulation model. Geophys Res Lett, 33, L14605, doi: 10.1029 / 2006GL026316.




