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    • 方  向:生物/環(huán)境地球化學(xué)
    • 行政職務(wù):
    • 學(xué)科專(zhuān)業(yè):環(huán)境化學(xué)
    • 導  師:博士生導師
    • 辦公電話(huà):020-3406 6223
    • 電子郵箱:yqiu@scsio.ac.cn
    • 通訊地址:廣州市海珠區新港西路164號



    丘耀文博士,在生態(tài)系統的水平上,系統地研究了持久性有機污染物(POPs)和重金屬在熱帶、亞熱帶海域典型海洋生態(tài)系統(海灣、紅樹(shù)林、珊瑚礁和深海)中沿食物鏈(網(wǎng))的累積規律及其關(guān)鍵影響因子,注重藻類(lèi)對毒害物質(zhì)(POPs和重金屬)的生物富集效應,早期還研究了近海富營(yíng)養化與赤潮的相互作用及其生消機制。 主持并完成國家重大科學(xué)研究計劃課題(2013CB956101)、國家基金面上項目(40573061、41376091)、廣東聯(lián)合基金、國家海洋專(zhuān)項和中國博士后科學(xué)基金等課題,參加赤潮“八五”攻關(guān)、“九五”重大和“973”等項目;發(fā)表論文68篇,總被引2400余次(10篇論文單篇被引用 >100次),入選中國學(xué)科高被引作者名錄。


    1982.9-1986.7: 學(xué)士, 化學(xué), 中山大學(xué),廣州,中國。
    2001.9-2004.7: 博士,海洋生物學(xué),中國科學(xué)院研究生院(南海海洋研究所),廣州,中國。


    1986.7-2010.12: 實(shí)研、助研和副研,中國科學(xué)院南海海洋研究所工作,廣州,中國。


    1.  Qiu, Y., W.*, Wang, D. X., Zhang, G., 2020: Assessment of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in sediments of the Eastern Indian Ocean. Science of the Total Environment, 710, 136335.

    2.  Qiu, Y. W.*, Qiu, H. L., Zhang, G., Li, J., 2019: Bioaccumulation and cycling of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in three mangrove reserves of South China. Chemosphere, 217, 195–203.

    3.  Qiu, Y. W.*, Qiu, H. L., Zhang, G., Li, J., 2019: Bioaccumulation and cycling of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and dechlorane plus (DP) in three natural mangrove ecosystems of South China. Science of the Total Environment, 651, 1788–1795.

    4.  Qiu, Y. W.*, Qiu, H. L., Li, J., Zhang, G., 2018: Bioaccumulation and cycling of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in typical mangrove wetlands of Hainan Island, South China. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 75, 464–475.

    5.  Qiu, Y. W.*, Zeng, E. Y., Qiu, H. L., Yu, K. F., Cai, S. Q., 2017: Bioconcentration of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and organochlorine pesticides in algae is an important contaminant route to higher trophic levels. Science of the Total Environment, 579, 1885–1893.

    6.  Qiu, Y. W.*, Wang, W. X., 2016: Comparison of mercury bioaccumulation between wild and mariculture food chains from a subtropical bay of Southern China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 38, 39–49.

    7.  Qiu, Y. W.*, 2015: Bioaccumulation of heavy metals both in wild and mariculture food chains in Daya Bay, South China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 163, 7–14.

    8.  Qiu, Y. W.*, Yu, K. F., Zhang, G., Wang, W. X., 2011: Accumulation and partitioning of seven trace metals in mangroves and sediment cores in three estuarine wetlands of Hainan Island, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 190, 631–638.

    9.  Qiu, Y. W., Lin, D., Liu, J. Q., Zeng, E. Y.*, 2011: Bioaccumulation of trace metals in farmed fish from South China and potential risk assessment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 74, 284–293.

    10.  Qiu, Y. W.*, Zhang, G., Guo, L. L., Zheng, G. J., Cai, S. Q., 2010:. Bioaccumulation and Historical Deposition of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) in Deep Bay, South China. Marine Environmental Research, 70, 219–226.

    11.  Qiu, Y. W.*, Zhang, G., Guo, L. L., Cheng, H. R., Wang, W. X., Li, X. D., Wai, Onyx W. H., 2009: Current status and historical trends of organochlorine pesticides in the ecosystem of Deep Bay, South China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 85, 265–272.

    12.  Qiu, Y. W.*, Zhang, G., Liu, G. Q., Guo, L. L., Li, X. D., Wai, Onyx W. H., 2009: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the water column and sediment core of Deep Bay, South China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 83, 60–66.



