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    • 方  向:熱帶海洋-大氣過(guò)程與氣候效應
    • 行政職務(wù):LTO副主任、中國-斯里蘭卡聯(lián)合科教中心常務(wù)副主任兼執行主任
    • 學(xué)科專(zhuān)業(yè):物理海洋學(xué)
    • 導  師:博士生導師
    • 辦公電話(huà):020-89023703
    • 電子郵箱:weiqiang.wang@scsio.ac.cn
    • 通訊地址:廣州市海珠區新港西路164號



    王衛強博士,于2012年入職中國科學(xué)院南海海洋研究所。曾先后在美國國家海洋與大氣局AOML實(shí)驗室、德國基爾大學(xué)IFM-GEOMAR和漢堡大學(xué)海洋系訪(fǎng)問(wèn)和工作。主要從事大洋尺度物質(zhì)和熱量輸運、南海及印度洋環(huán)流動(dòng)力學(xué)和海氣相互作用等研究,先后在國內外雜志發(fā)表論文60余篇,其中SCI或SCIE文章40余篇,基金委“熱帶海洋環(huán)流動(dòng)力學(xué)”創(chuàng )新研究群體核心成員,候變率與可預報性研究/政府間海洋學(xué)委員會(huì )-全球海洋觀(guān)測系統(CLIVAR/IOC-GOOS)印度洋區域專(zhuān)家組成員。近年主持承擔基金委面上基金,重點(diǎn)支持項目,基金委航次首席,中科院專(zhuān)項課題,中科院國際伙伴計劃項目等多項課題。




    1998 -2002年在中科院南海海洋研究所工作


    1.  Wickramage, C.H., Wang, W.*, Arulananthan, K. et al. Dynamics of counter wind current along the south Sri Lanka coast during the Southwest Monsoon. Ocean Dynamics (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10236-021-01477-6

    2.  Huang, K., Wang, D., Feng, M., Han, W., Chen, G., Sun, C., Zhang, X., Xie, Q., Wang, W., Liu, Q., & Yao, J. (2020). Baroclinic Characteristics and Energetics of Annual Rossby Waves in the Southern Tropical Indian Ocean, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 50(9), 2591-2607.

    3.  Guo, Binbin; Wang, Weiqiang*; Shu, Yeqiang*; He, Gaowen; Zhang, Dongsheng; Deng, Xiguang; Liang, Qianyong; Yang, Yong; Xie, Qiang; Wang, Haifeng; Wang, Jun (2020). Observed Deep Anticyclonic Cap Over Caiwei Guyot, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, doi: 10.1029/2020JC016254

    4.  Xu, K., Tam, C., Liu, B., Chen, S., Yang, X., He, Z., Xie, Q., & Wang, W.* (2020). Attenuation of Central Pacific El Ni?o Amplitude by North Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies, Journal of Climate, 33(15), 6673-6688.

    5.  Zuo, J., Wang, W., Wang, G. et al. The variation of marine environment and climate effect in Indo-Pacific Ocean. J. Ocean. Limnol. 38, 1599–1601 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00343-020-1599-8.

    6.  Peng, Q., Xie, S., Wang, D., Kamae, Y., Zhang, H., Hu, S., Zheng, X., & Wang, W. (2020). Eastern Pacific Wind Effect on the Evolution of El Ni?o: Implications for ENSO Diversity, Journal of Climate, 33(8), 3197-3212.

    7.  Xu, K., Liu, B., Liu, Y. et al. Effects of monsoon onset vortex on heat budget in the mixed layer of the Bay of Bengal. J. Ocean. Limnol. 38, 1616–1631 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00343-019-9061-5

    8.  Xu, K, Wang, W.*, Liu, B, Zhu, C. Weakening of the El Ni?o amplitude since the late 1990s and its link to decadal change in the North Pacific climate. Int J Climatol. 2019; 39: 4125– 4138. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.6063

    9.  Huang, K., D. Wang, W. Han, M. Feng, G. Chen, W. Wang, J. Chen, and J. Li (2019), Semiannual Variability of Middepth Zonal Currents along 5°N in the Eastern Indian Ocean: Characteristics and Causes, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 49(10), 2715-2729, doi:10.1175/jpo-d-19-0089.1.

    10.  K.B.S.S.J EKANAYAKA, Weiqiang Wang (2019), Mechanisms of the Sri Lanka Dome and its evolutionary aspects, 南京信息工程大學(xué)學(xué)報(自然科學(xué)版), 2019, 11(2): 198-207.

    11.  Zhang Tiecheng, Weiqiang Wang, Qiang Xie, Lingfang Chen (2019), Heat contribution of the Indonesian throughflow to the Indian Ocean, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 38(4): 72-79.

    12.  He Zhuoqi, Weiqiang Wang, Renguang Wu, In-Sik Kang, Chao He, Xiuzhen Li, Kang Xu, Sheng Chen (2019), Change in coherence of summer rainfall variability over the western Pacific around the early 2000s: ENSO influence, Journal of Climate, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0150.1.

    13.  Xu Kang, Qing-Lan Huang, Chi-Yung Tam, Weiqiang Wang, Sheng Chen, Congwen Zhu (2019), Roles of tropical SST patterns during two types of ENSO in modulating wintertime rainfall over southern China, Climate Dynamics, 52(1-2): 523-538.

    14.  Zhang, T., Wang, W., Xie, Q. et al. Heat contribution of the Indonesian throughflow to the Indian Ocean. Acta Oceanol. Sin. 38, 72–79 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13131-019-1414-6

    15.  Wang, L., G. Huang, W. Chen, W. Zhou, and W. Wang (2018), Wet-to-dry shift over Southwest China in 1994 tied to the warming of tropical warm pool, Climate Dynamics, 51(7), 3111-3123, doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4068-8.

    16.  Huang, K., D. Wang, W. Wang, Q. Xie, J. Chen, L. Chen, and G. Chen (2018), Multi-scale variability of the tropical Indian Ocean circulation system revealed by recent observations, Science China Earth Sciences, 61(6), 668-680, doi:10.1007/s11430-017-9179-x.

    17.  Huang, K., M. J. McPhaden, Wang D.*, Wang W.*, Q. Xie, J. Chen, Y. Shu, Q. Wang, J. Li, and J. Yao (2018), Vertical Propagation of Middepth Zonal Currents Associated with Surface Wind Forcing in the Equatorial Indian Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123(10), 7290-7307, doi:10.1029/2018JC013977.

    18.  Huang, K., W. Han, D. Wang, W. Wang, Q. Xie, J. Chen, and G. Chen (2018), Features of the Equatorial Intermediate Current Associated with Basin Resonance in the Indian Ocean, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 48(6), 1333-1347, doi:10.1175/jpo-d-17-0238.1.

    19.  Liu, D., Zhu, J., Shu, Y., Wang, D., Wang, W., Yan C., Zhou W. Targeted observation analysis of a Northwestern Tropical Pacific Ocean mooring array using an ensemble-based method. Ocean Dynamics 68, 1109–1119 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10236-018-1188-y

    20.  Liu, D., Zhu, J., Shu, Y., Wang, D., Wang, W., Cai S. Ocean Modelling, Model-based assessment of a Northwestern Tropical Pacific moored array to monitor intraseasonal variability, 126, 1-12(2018), https:// doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2018. 04.001.

    21.  Xu, K., C.-Y. Tam, C. Zhu, B. Liu, and W. Wang (2017), CMIP5 Projections of Two Types of El Ni?o and Their Related Tropical Precipitation in the Twenty-First Century, J. Clim., 30(3), 849-864, doi:10.1175/jcli-d-16-0413.1.

    22.  Xu, K., R. X. Huang, W. Wang*, C. Zhu, and R. Lu (2017), Thermocline Fluctuations in the Equatorial Pacific Related to the Two Types of El Ni?o Events, J. Clim., 30(17), 6611-6627, doi:10.1175/jcli-d-16-0291.1.

    23.  Luo, Y., D.-X. Wang, G. Pan, Z.-Q. Zhang, W.-Q. Wang, and J.-L. Yao (2017), China–Sri Lanka Joint Center for Education and Research for the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 10(5), 354-357, doi:10.1080/16742834.2017.1343085.

    24.  He, Z., R. Wu, W. Wang, Z. Wen, and D. Wang (2017), Contributions of Surface Heat Fluxes and Oceanic Processes to Tropical SST Changes: Seasonal and Regional Dependence, J. Clim., 30(11), 4185-4205, doi:10.1175/jcli-d-16-0500.1.

    25.  Chen, G., W. Han, Y. Li, M. J. McPhaden, J. Chen, W. Wang, and D. Wang (2017), Strong Intraseasonal Variability of Meridional Currents near 5°N in the Eastern Indian Ocean: Characteristics and Causes, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 47(5), 979-998, doi:10.1175/jpo-d-16-0250.1.

    26.  Xu, K., C. Zhu, and W. Wang (2016), The cooperative impacts of the El Ni?o–Southern Oscillation and the Indian Ocean Dipole on the interannual variability of autumn rainfall in China, International Journal of Climatology, 36(4), 1987-1999, doi:10.1002/joc.4475.

    27.  Tan, W., X. Wang, W. Wang, C. Wang, and J. Zuo (2016), Different Responses of Sea Surface Temperature in the South China Sea to Various El Ni?o Events during Boreal Autumn, J. Clim., 29(3), 1127-1142, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0338.1.

    28.  Qin, H., R. X. Huang, W. Wang, and H. Xue (2016), Regulation of South China Sea throughflow by pressure difference, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, n/a-n/a, doi:10.1002/2015JC011177.

    29.  He, Z., R. Wu, and W. Wang (2016), Signals of the South China Sea summer rainfall variability in the Indian Ocean, Climate Dynamics, 46(9), 3181-3195, doi:10.1007/s00382-015-2760-5.

    30.  Zeng L., D Wang, C. Ju, W. Wang, R. Chen (2016), SCSPOD14, a South China Sea physical oceanographic dataset derived from in situ measurements during 1919-2014, Scientific Data, 3(160029).

    31.  Tan W., R. Huang, W. Wang, X. Wang (2015), Zonal overturning circulation and heat flux induced by heaving modes in the world oceans, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(11): 80-91.

    32.  Wang W., X. Zhu, Chunzai Wang, A. K?hl, (2014). Deep Meridional Overturning Circulation in the Indian Ocean and Its Relation to Indian Ocean Dipole. J. Clim, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00472.1.

    33.  Qin, H., G. Chen, W. Wang, D. Wang, and L. Zeng (2014), Validation and application of MODIS-derived SST in the South China Sea, Int. J. Remote Sens., 35(11-12), 4315-4328, doi:10.1080/01431161.2014.916439.

    34.  Zhu, X., W. Wang*, and K. Fraedrich (2013), Future Climate in the Tibetan Plateau from a Statistical Regional Climate Model, J. Clim., 26(24), 10125-10138, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00187.1.

    35.  Wang, W., A. K?hl, and D. Stammer (2012). The deep meridional overturning circulation in the Indian Ocean inferred from the GECCO synthesis. Dynam. Atmos. Ocean, 58, 44-61.

    36.  Wang, W., A. Kohl, and D. Stammer (2010), Estimates of global ocean volume transports during 1960 through 2001, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37.



